Health Benefits of Green Tea

In 1211, the Buddhist monk Eisi wrote “tea has extraordinary power to prolong life” in his book ”  Keeping Healthy by Drinking Tea ” and he was right when it came to the virtues of green tea, especially when he spoke of its beneficial properties on health.

Longevity is sometimes associated with the consumption of green tea. Nowadays scientific evidence has confirmed the health benefits of green tea plays along with a healthy lifestyle. A recent study has also highlighted the positive effects of green tea in preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Health benefits of green tea



The major advantage of drinking green tea is that it is full of miracle molecules: antioxidants. These natural agents (polyphenols and flavonoids) fight against the free radicals responsible for the alteration of our cells. The latter, real enemies of health, cause the aging of the skin and are at the base of certain diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. Thanks to its antioxidants, green tea helps the body to preserve itself. The extracts of its molecules, tannins, fight 200 times more against the oxidation of cells than vitamin E.

Its antioxidant content exceeds that of some fruits and vegetables rich in polyphenol.

Tea contains vitamins A, C, and E, as well as compounds beneficial to health; called flavonoids. Flavonoids have an antioxidant role and neutralize the effects of active oxygen derivatives, which come from normal body functions and contribute to aging and chronic diseases.


Nutritional studies conducted in Japan’s particularly popular green tea regions have shown that the incidence of cancers of the stomach, liver, pancreas, breast, lung, esophagus and skin is lower in people who consume green tea.

Green tea could prevent cancer in four ways:

1) By neutralizing the carcinogens;

2) Protecting cells against induced mutations  by  carcinogens;

3) Protecting the body from free radical damage;

4) Protecting cells from ionizing radiation damage.


A study of more than 40,000 men and women concludes that those who consume green tea in large quantities tend to live longer. This research, which was published in the American Medical Association’s journal, reveals that the consumption of green tea also contributes to the reduction of heart problems.

  1. By preventing the abnormal formation of blood clots in the vessels (by at least two mechanisms); similarly to aspirin
  2. By lowering total cholesterol levels and raising HDL cholesterol levels;
  3. Reducing blood pressure by blocking the angiotensin converting enzyme;
  4. By preventing the oxidation of HDL cholesterol in the artery walls.

According to a 12-week study of 37 patients with hypertension, green tea on average reduced systolic pressure from 134.5 to 124.44 and diastolic pressure from 84.5 to 76.6. It has also raised HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels.

In a study to measure the effects of green tea in preventing heart disease, subjects who drank large amounts of green tea saw their heart attack risk could decrease by 50%.


Green tea reduces blood sugar by inhibiting amylase, an enzyme essential for sugar absorption from starch

# PROTECTS THE LIVER from alcohol and chemical agents of tobacco.


 After removing the process of forming bacterial plaque and destroying the bacteria that form it. In the same way, it also destroys the bacteria that cause bad breath.


Green tea has antibacterial and viral properties. Recent studies show that green tea prevents the spread of disease and accelerates the recovery of colds and flu. It also destroys 7 types of harmful bacteria that can be found in food.

# HELPS YOUR BODY maintain fluid balance at an adequate level and avoid fatigue and stress, often caused by dehydration.


Helps to burn calories … of course by consuming it accompanied by a healthy and varied diet.

And to finish a little trick:


Green tea bags, once used, can be used as compresses on tired eyes to reduce puffiness and dark circles.

Tip: drink 3 to 6 cups of green tea a day, preferably without food, without adding milk, because cow’s milk protein, casein, would prevent catechins from acting. It is best not to drink in the two hours before sleep.

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About the Author: Robin

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