Mental health: 6 signs your loved one is seeking help

Did you know that at least 1 out of 4 people suffers from mental health issues across the globe?

It is often difficult to spot signs of deteriorating mental health because of how sneaky they are. But it is critical to identify them early on to get proper treatment from private mental health care. Getting treated early will help your loved one return to a state of proper mental health and avoid chronic problems.

Mental health

Here are some of the most prominent signs that your loved one is suffering from deteriorating mental health and seeking help:


1. They’re having problems related to sleep

A staggering 80%-90% of people with depression report insomnia. Troubles with sleep are one of the most prominent and early signs of a mental health problem. If lately, your loved one has been staying up late more than they used to or is sleeping at odd times, you need to be careful.

Ask them if they’re having nightmares or any other form of constant sleep disruptions. If they are experiencing these, it could be a sign of anxiety or PTSD.  Another sign to look out for is fatigue. A person having sleep problems usually tends to feel tired throughout the day.

2. A Spontaneous Change in Appetite

A noticeable sign of mental health issues is a sudden change in appetite. Has your loved one not been eating enough lately? Have they been eating too much? Both of these could point to the direction that everything’s not okay with them.

They might not be as interested in eating stuff that they used to love. Generally, they indicate that they are having trouble coping with stress. This is often brushed aside as some dietary issue, especially in the early days but you need to remember that this could be a major cry for help from your partners.

3. Constant Mood Changes or Not Enough Mood Changes

A telltale sign of poor mental health is that the person is constantly feeling down of late. They’re not interested in things that they used to love earlier. They might get irritated easily or be constantly irritated- lashing out at the smallest of things.

If you notice this in your partner, it is a sign that they are not well. Also, it is often ignored, but another crucial sign is constant mood swings and being in a “good mood” that leads to problematic decisions.

4. Their Relationships are Fraying

Loss of appetite, being fatigued, and feeling generally low often causes people to withdraw from their social circles. Your loved one may be feeling disconnected and wanting to stay in their own bubble.

They might even be withdrawing from you. They might also be feeling guilty about avoiding people they love. It is important to recognize this sign and understand that it is a cry for help.

5. They’re Struggling with Anxiety and Purpose

This is a sign that is slightly difficult to be recognized by anyone other than the person suffering from poor mental health themselves. You should look out for your loved one being more self-conscious lately or making self-deprecating comments and having issues with their self-esteem.

A sense of losing their identity can even manifest in the form of them using humor to depreciate themselves in front of others. Losing their sense of anxiety and purpose can send their mental health into a faster downward spiral. Therefore, it is important that you spot this sign as early as possible. If your loved one is constantly from this, you might also want to look out for the signs of a mental breakdown. You can learn more about mental breakdown definition here.

6. They’re Displaying Physical Signs of Stress

Physical signs vary from person to person. Your partner may be having muscle tension, especially in the neck and the shoulders. They might have frequent headaches, stomach aches, and even diarrhea. It is a way of communicating our mental health issues through our bodies. Keep an eye out for signs like these in your loved one.

Over to you…

Knowing that your loved one might be experiencing poor mental health is never easy. Most people make the mistake of not accepting the fact and being oblivious to loud cries of help from their loved ones.

It is important that you try your best to recognize the signs mentioned above and get them help at the earliest to avoid any major damage to their mental well-being.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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