How Pet Insurance Can Be a Huge Cost Saver

When it comes to life’s little surprises, none are worse than when something goes wrong with our beloved fur-babies. Sometimes these health issues can be compounded by our own financial troubles and difficulties, as many have learned in recent times that our financial situations are not always as stable as we may think.

This is why pet insurance remains an invaluable defense for anything that might stand between your pet and happy and healthy life. It’s also worth noting that some pet insurance companies provide sweeping coverage for various preventative treatments which we will explore.

Pet Insurance

Prevention is Pawsitively the Best

Just like with our own health care, veterinarians will often recommend comprehensive checks according to a specially created healthcare plan whether it’s safe or not to give dogs paracetamol. Other times, a medicine will require frequent checks to make sure that they are not having a negative impact on your pet’s internal organs or need adjustments, as with Atopica or Synthroid.

It is also generally helpful for the doctor to establish a baseline and track any changing trends in blood values which could identify several health concerns before they even show physical signs or progress to be more dangerous. Other tests, such as fecal ELISA tests, are required if your pet requires boarding in the event that you must travel without them.

These tests can cost from sixty dollars to hundreds or, in rare cases, thousands of dollars. Having pet insurance means you don’t have to worry yourself about making sure you are doing your best to take a proactive stance in your pet’s health.

Another key proactive measure is vaccination, which can add up in cost over time but remain one of the most important preventatives offered by veterinary professionals.

Breed Specific Health Concerns

Different breeds of cats and dogs have certain health conditions which they may be known for. When you can anticipate the potential for facing them during the course of their life. Here are some examples of conditions that are more common among certain popular breeds.

  • Bully Breeds (Pit Bull, Frenchie, English): Allergies, sub-aortic and pulmonic stenosis, seborrhea, and eczema.
  • German Shepherds: Deep pyoderma, hip dysplasia, and degenerative myelopathy.
  • Labrador Retriever: Bloat, Hemolytic Anemia, and Thrombocytopenia.

While these breeds are not guaranteed to develop these issues, they do remain a notable risk factor for your pet’s health. They all have one thing in common, however. They can become incredibly expensive to treat appropriately. As an example, an intradermal skin test to diagnose specific environmental allergies can cost upwards of eight hundred dollars.

Dental Work Is Extremely Important

Dental cleaning is one of the most expensive routine treatments that a pet will need. Not only does it help them keep their teeth and live a happy and pain-free life, but the dental disease can also lend towards other health concerns as well. It’s an unfortunate fact that as much as 80% of pets in America suffer from dental diseases, which can make eating difficult and require costly procedures to amend.

You also want to make sure that you don’t skimp. Non-sedative dental cleanings, or even at home dental brushing alone are sometimes the go-to for those who are under financial constraint. Unfortunately, these techniques do not go below the gumline, where most of the tooth decay can take place and cause a massive problem later on which would require removal of the teeth.

Do keep in mind that not all pet insurance companies offer dental care under their scope of service, but there are some top-notch companies that provide comprehensive coverage to include and encourage these services.

Sometimes You Need More Than a Family Vet

There are certain medical situations where your general vet would recognize that your pet will need a specialist’s care. This is often due to the fact that your pet is diagnosed or suspected of possibly having a more complicated condition. Because specialty veterinarians must undergo significant additional education, they tend to cost a lot more than your corner vet.

Some of the specialists that are referred to are:

  • Cardiology: Medicine and study specific to the heart. Surgical operations involving the heart have advanced significantly, and some can even be performed on an out-patient basis.
  • Dermatology: Medicine and study specific to the skin. They may be recommended if your pet experiences chronic allergies or ear infections.
  • Oncology: Medicine and study specific to cancer. There are several different kinds of cancer that exist, and these specialists devote their lives to discerning the safest treatment course.
  • Neurology: Medicine and study specific to the brain and nervous system. These doctors are most commonly referred to for pets who experience seizures or difficulty walking.

Take Initiative Today

Now is the time to step forward and make sure that you are prepared to handle anything that could pose a risk to your pets. With pet insurance in your arsenal, your four legged friends will be living their best lives without a care in the world – and your bank account will thank you.

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About the Author: Alex

Alex Jones is a writer and blogger who expresses ideas and thoughts through writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which He is sharing research-based content with the vast online community.

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