Top 10 secrets of Staying Slim for Working Women

Diet and diet pill have been consumed by many busy women and it’s not always easy to keep healthy habits and keep on the diet pill or diet weight control. But below are some simple guidelines that can help you stick with the diet program. No one’s perfect, but if you follow these tips most of the time, you’ll be healthier and slimmer.

Here are some simple guideposts for staying slim for your women without diet pill.

secrets of staying slim for working woken

1. Drink enough low calorie and low sugar liquids

Good news! You don’t have to drink just plain water to satisfy your thirst and stay hydrated, many non-alcoholic beverages help fulfill your needs. Just remember that many drinks are high in calories, so choose low-calorie, low sugar beverages most of the time.

2. Partake in daily physical activity

Instead of watching TV from a chair, hit the dance floor, jump in the pool for a swim or just go for a stroll. It’s the frequency and duration of physical activity that counts, not the intensity

3. Monitor your food choices carefully

What you eat and how much you eat are, of course, critical factors in maintaining a healthy weight. If you need to lose weight, eat fewer calories by serving yourself smaller portions and eating slowly until you feel satisfied.

4. Eat a diet lower in fat without diet pill

The Food and Drug Administration’s dietary guidelines recommend consuming no more than 25-35% of your calories from fat. So limit fried foods, and substitute low-fat items for high-fat ones… This doesn’t mean that you’ll never be able to have an enchilada again, just alternate your favorite foods with low calorie and low-fat ones

5. Consume more fruits and vegetables

The newly released dietary guidelines now recommend 9.5 cup servings of fruits and vegetables a day. A serving fruit or vegetable juice can count as one of your nine daily servings

6. Start with a healthy breakfast

Nearly 80% of successful dieters eat breakfast every day. If you skip breakfast, you will be more likely to make up for the calories later on with a poor eating decision that’s fueled by hunger.

7. Think smaller

Pay attention to what you are eating and how much, and make sensible choices when it comes up to meal sizes. Stop eating when you feel full. Also, learn what counts as a serving according to the food pyramid guidelines, and see if our servings fall into the recommended range.

8. Plan ahead

Meal plans are a great tool when it comes to healthy eating by helping you think ahead. Developing weekly meal plans and sticking to a shopping list helps keep you on track.

9. Stop dieting your diet

We all love the idea of a quick fix, but accordingly, to the American Dietetic Association, the problem with fad diets is that they often do not teach balanced eating habits necessary for a lifetime of weight management and often exclude vital nutrients. Create good habits and stick to them without having a diet pill.

10. Fight hunger

It takes time for your hunger persists, have a healthy drink and waits fifteen minutes. Start meals with a glass of water or a beverage, as researchers have shown that drinking liquids right before a meal helps you to eat less. Then eat slowly and savor the taste of your food. Have a great conversation. And remember you don’t have to eat everything on your plate

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About the Author: Robin

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